Reasons to love Princess Leia

In a world filled with complacent and passive Disney princesses (and technically, Leia IS a Disney Princess now), it’s refreshing to see a lady royal who is so thoroughly a badass.

So in honor of the realist herself, here’s 7 reasons why Princess Leia is the awesome princess that we should all aspire to be.

She Knows How To Disarm A Man With A Fierce Verbal Jab


OK, so Luke has lightsaber skills and nobody can shoot quicker than Han, but Leia will absolutely DEMOLISH your self-esteem with her sass targeting your biggest insecurities.

She Has Immaculate Hair Game


Oh, so you’re proud that you mastered that YouTube tutorial on the fishtail braid? Betch, please. In the midst of intergalactic wall and being imprisoned more than times imaginable, Princess Leia forever had stellar hair. From the milkmaid look, to a single long plait, to the iconic cinnamon buns, her look was never bland or boring, and perfectly balanced out with monochrome white outfits. Everyone else can just go home.

She Rebels Against Her Old Man Harder Than ANYONE


Truth be told, having *SPOILER* Darth Vader as a father *SPOILER* is kind of like having an Intergalactic Hitler as a dad. You know he’s a little harsher than the average dad. But she takes it in stride, becoming a spy for the rebel alliance and continuously resilient in the face of torture.

She Takes Out Those Who Demean Her With Little Hesitation


Sadly, like many princesses, Leia does a fair bit of damsel-in-distressing during the original Star Wars trilogy, but that doesn’t mean she can’t take care of herself. Leia knows how to work a blaster, being an excellent shot, and let’s not forget that she alone killed the skin-crawling space slug that is Jabba. Okay, so taking down Jabba was a collaborative effort, but it’s symbolically important that Leia gets to strangle him with his own chains, the very symbol of her oppression. Just saying, dude forced her into a metal bikini, THAT can’t be comfortable. (Sidenote: if it wasn’t for that metal bikini, many guys wouldn’t have decent sexual fantasies, hehehe).

Her Feistiness Attracts The Other Biggest Badass In The Galaxy


We shouldn’t value Leia solely for her romance of Han, but it must be said, he is next-level hot. Like, I’d still jump on 72-year-old Harrison Ford today, just by virtue of him being Han Solo (and Indiana Jones!). And it isn’t her sexy buns that attracts him, so much as it’s the fire that comes from their verbal sparring.

She Is Exceptionally Accomplished At A Young Age


The idea of being a Princess itself is enough for some girls, but not Leia. She wanted change in the galaxy, and she wanted it right then and there But you can’t just expect change to happen while sitting on a throne looking dolled up and pretty in her gowns. So she got involved in politics, and at 18-years-old became the youngest Imperial senator ever elected. Not too shabby!

Meanwhile, you’re around my age and not sure if you’re even legal or can live independently. I mean… come on.

And Most Importantly, She’s Carrie Freakin’ Fisher.


Leia may be a princess, but Carrie Fisher is a hilarious queen. All hail!

Carrie Fisher tragically died at the age of 60 on December 27th 2016. Her feistiness, acting and writing talents live on.

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