#ClaireNotes – April 2017

April has come to a close, which means we get to see what my month was like! Usually, I jot down three goals with hopes to achieve them, or highlight an event that took place, but this month was uneventful apart from two occasions, so instead of three goals I’ll be listing to.

Read along!

Hair change! [Achieved]

After months and months of the same old boring hair, I finally changed it up a bit. Nothing too special, just a violet-ish red at the tips (which most know as ombre). I was aiming for a chocolate mauve, but when I showed my hairdresser a picture of brown hair with some pink and lilac, he suggested I do violet as it would suit me… and he was right, as he always is.

In love with my new hair colour!

The Laughs! – Michael McIntyre [Achieved]

The greatest night in a long time was watching Michael McIntyre live at the MFCC with my boyfriend, bestfriend and her boyfriend. We started the night with dinner at Hugo’s Burgers which was AMAZING, then we grabbed some ice-cream and headed to the MFCC.

When I saw this on facebook, I made sure I had tickets booked AT. ONCE.

We had excellent seats (thanks to my man who stalked the page for over half an hour to make sure I’m happy. Thanks boo!) and both Michael and his support act, Andrew Bird, were excellently hilarious!

Great seats for a great show on a great night

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