Summer Survival 101

Summer… probably my least favourite season by a mile. The heat, the sweat, the chaffing of my thighs every time I dare wear a dress or shorts…! On the other hand, I get to do a lot of things I never get the time to do during Winter for various reasons: weather, time, money and a lot more.

Below are a list of things I do to survive summer, which I hope will help others. Sit back and enjoy!

Beach/Pool It

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It may be my worst nightmare, but one of the most effective ways I end up surviving summer is going to the beach or lounge by a pool. The reason why I don’t do it as much is because I’m insecure about my body (which I know I shouldn’t be), my boyfriend and bestfriend work 5 days a week and the only chance I can actually go swimming with them is during the weekend.

Break a Sweat

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And I mean it. Not only do you kill one hour from your day breaking sweat, but you also get summer-body ready and store space for next Christmas. Just think about it! And if you don’t have time to go to the gym, I got you sorted: my favourite fitness trainer, Lucy Wyndham-Read, posts a LOT of short workouts you can do at home on her Youtube channel, which vary from walking on the spot to sitting down! Yep, you can actually work out while sitting down.

Cold Showers

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Apart from the numerous benefits of a cold shower, it’s a no-brainer that in the heat of summer NO ONE can tolerate warm water, especially if you’re sunburnt.


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The UK has popular festivals like Glastonbury and Download, Budapest has Sziget, and the US has Coachella. Malta? We have the ever-so popular Isle of MTV and, for the first time this year, Tomorrowland. While the latter has a price to pay, the Isle of MTV is FREE! That’s right, you get to see the oh-so handsome Chainsmokers AND Joe Jonas (with DNCE, of course) for free. Can’t get any better than that for the former fangirls of the Jonas Brothers.


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1 cinema in Gozo. 5 in Malta (including the one at St James Cavalier). This summer is jam-packed with anticipated movies such as Despicable Me 3, Baywatch, Wonder Woman, the awaited sequel to the Alien franchise, Covenant, so no excuses along the lines of “What to watch?”, got it?

Stay Hydrated

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Super important! Now I’m no expert, but I know for sure that keeping hydrated in summer is extra important, especially if you’re a Hoover Dam of sweat like myself. Drinking (cold) water helps replace the sweat you lose and keeps your skin soft.

Apart from drinking lots water, I spray some hydrating mist by dermaE, which can also be used to set your makeup for the summer heat.


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No, not that kind of protection… I mean the skin protection. Sunblock – as us Maltese call it –  protects our skin from getting sunburnt. Do you want to be a lobster? Or the Maltese version of Tan Mom? No? Then put on sunscreen. The one I use is this one by Nivea, which is also sweat resistant.

So these are just a few of the MANY things I do to survive the sweat and chafing that Summer brings with it.

What do YOU do to survive summer? Let me know in the comments below! See you in the next one x

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