Blogger Recognition Award! [2]

The THIRD blogging nomination this month alone! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! I am literally speechless. Which is why I always resort to writing most of the time.

Image result for mic drop gif

Thanks a million bunch to Maya Willemse for nominating me ❤ You’re a doll!

Da Rulez

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  • Give a brief story of how and why you started blogging.
  • Give two pieces of advice you would give to brand new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog letting them know you have nominated them giving the link to the post you have created.

The reason why…

Why I’m blogging has shifted a bit since my first nomination.While I am still trying to break the stigma surrounding mental health illnesses and problems, right now I am doing this blogging thing as a hobby, and something to chronicle my life and interests.

As you may have seen recently, I have started doing more things about films. That’s not me saying tschüss to mental health and the stigma (i.e. my primary aim). This is me sort of showing other people that I am not just someone who watches films. I analyse films. I devour them, if you may. And I might be getting some opportunities behind the scenes (more on that in the future), and this is like my portfolio.

My Advice… From me to YOU!

Three words: Do you boo. Screw your family, superiors, friends, peers… EVERYONE. Do what you deem best for yourself. Obviously listen to what others have to say, but don’t do what they tell you to do just because they said so. Think about it and if you want to do it, then do it.

… & the Nominees are…!

  1. Katie Rose Loves
  2. With the Grey
  3. A Small Wardrobe
  4. Kyle Magri *
  5. Katie Scarlett
  6. I am Tracy Nicole
  7. Her Unusual Journey
  8. Sit Back and Just Live
  9. Tales of Belle
  10. Ink-Stained Forest *
  11. The Pretty Balanced Life
  12. Life of a Make-Up Artist
  13. Strong not Skinny *
  14. Darly
  15. Simple Ula

* Locals


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