Things to do on a rainy day

Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing on a rainy day? Or, even worse, you want to be productive but don’t know what to do? This list is for you then! Here are some things you may find useful to do on a cold, rainy day… and it won’t require you going out in the pouring rain! I understand how difficult it must be for certain people from certain countries to go out and do something outside their home in the rain. There are things I do to be productive at the comfort of my home. But if you feel like something should be added, do not hesitate to leave a comment! I will add it along with YOUR name/blog as a form of thanks! So without further ado, here are things to do on a rainy day…

Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing on a rainy day? Or, even worse, you want to be productive but don’t know what to do? This list is for you then! Here are some things you may find useful to do on a cold, rainy day… and it won’t require you going out in the pouring rain! I understand how difficult it must be for certain people from certain countries to go out and do something outside their home in the rain. There are things I do to be productive at the comfort of my home. But if you feel like something should be added, do not hesitate to leave a comment! I will add it along with YOUR name/blog as a form of thanks! So without further ado, here are things to do on a rainy day… especially with December’s cold and rainy days ahead!

DIY Bubble Bath

This goes for those who work hard 5+ days a week and want to have that one off day where they can relax. Slip into a soothing bath laced with your own moisturizing soap blend.

In a clean container, mix together ½ cup mild liquid hand or body soap, 1 tablespoon sugar or honey, and 1 egg white. Pour the entire mixture under the running water as you draw your bath. Honey is a natural humectant, which will attract and retain moisture in your skin. The egg white helps create stronger, longer-lasting bubbles, for a fluffy bath. For extra-dry skin, consider adding a tablespoon of light oil, such as almond. (Another surprising bath booster? Vinegar.)

Bake Up Some Chocolate-Chip Cookies

The other day I baked some yummy 4-ingredient Nutella biscuits, which you can try as well. However, nothing cures rainy day blues like a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. Dunk them in milk or eat ’em (practically) right out of the oven—a way to happily weather the storm.

Organize Your Own “Film Festival”

This is a shoutout to fellow cinephiles like myself. Queue up some classics, both old and new, and if you have children, let them pool in some of their favourites—even mix in last week’s episode/s of your favourite series—and have a marathon screening. Keep a cozy throw on hand to snuggle under, a big bowl of popcorn to dip into, and settle in to enjoy the shows.

Pamper Yourself

Do a little spa therapy with a homemade scrub: Grind about two cups of oatmeal, which is a natural skin soother; add a few handfuls of coffee grinds and brown sugar. Then stir in three or four spoonfuls of skin-nourishing honey, ginger, and noni extract (find it at health-food stores). Before storing the batch in the refrigerator, scoop out enough for a week into a jar, which she keeps in her shower, using it daily.

Can be done along with the bubble bath for double the relaxation.

Plan a Vacation

Ok, you may be stuck at home, but you can still dream of a warm, seaside resort or gorgeous mountain escape. During this time of year, Air Malta and Ryanair are offering MANY cheap flights to beautiful countries that offer both recreational and educational attractions alike. If you’re totally broke and cannot afford a week-long trip, try a weekend-long trip, or just plan for the following year.


If you’re like me, I can get pretty messy and disorganised in a short amount of time. I barely have time to organise all my belongings, except when I’m at home and have no work at all to do. Decluttering doesn’t necessarily have to be materialistic – clothes, trinkets, books, etc. – but can also be cyber. Have songs on your Spotify playlist which you rarely to never listened to? Facebook friends you have no clue of their existence? Files and folders that need to be removed? It’s time to declutter then!


Don’t let the cold and rain outside get you down! Break a sweat, shed some weight and keep yourself warm (while giving ample space for the numerous Christmas dinners to come!). My go-to online personal trainer HAS to be Lucy Wyndham-Read. She has over 700 – yep! – different workout videos, all targeting different parts of the body. If you want workouts to be more fun, then Blogilates and POPSUGAR Fitness are for you as they have many dance-inspired workouts.


I usually read when I am too sick to sit in front of my laptop. But some prefer to leave reading for those cold and rainy days where you can curl up under your blanket with a glass of wine or a mug of tea/coffee in front of a fireplace or heater. Mind you, reading isn’t just books. There are ample magazines you can read – I’m all for film magazines such as Empire and Total Film. If you’re into lifestyle and beauty, there are MANY health magazines like Women’s Health, and beauty/fashion magazines like Cosmopolitan and Elle. You can also read articles on your laptop and eBooks on your Kindle if you’re more modern.


I know what you’re probably thinking: “I’m not a blogger or a writer, so what writing can I actually do?” Why not prepare your shopping list or meals for the week in advance? I also find to-do lists quite effective as they put my mind to rest whenever I forget a task I have to do.

A while ago – like three or four years ago – I started a bucket list. I’m not dying anytime soon, but it’s good to put all my life goals in one document, and what is more satisfying than crossing an achievement out?!


If you’re not into breaking a sweat by working out, why not try something a little more relaxing that will also help your body in the process still? No need to attend yoga classes, you can practise at the comfort of your home! My favourite Youtube channels specialising in yoga include Yoga with Adriene, Yoga by Candace, Tara Stiles and KinoYoga to mention a few. You can get the full list here.


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