Get to Know Me: My ABCs

Hello everyone and welcome back for another ‘get to know me’ post! This time round, I was inspired by Sarah from Mindfully Sarah to create like a mini About Me post using the alphabet. Check out hers here!

Age: 24

Biggest Fear: Heights, clowns and rejection – all in #1

Current time: 8:11pm

Drink you had last: Tea

Easiest Person to Talk To: My mum, boyfriend and BFF

Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Grossest Memory: Eating paper as a young child /cringe/

Hometown: A town in SE Malta called Fgura

In Love With: My boyfriend and life in general ❤

Jealous Of: All bloggers/influencers who get invited to events 😛

Kindest person you know: My mum

Image result for mum is the kindest person

Life isn’t complete without: People to help you along

Middle Name: Pauline Maria Carmela #fabulous

Number of siblings: One [older sister]

One Wish: World peace

Person you last spoke with on the phone: Mum

Question you’re always being asked: Do you even hear yourself speak?

Reason to Smile: Life in general

Song You Last Sang: Sedated by Hozier

Time You Woke Up: 11am

Unknown Fact About Me: I’m pretty much an open book, so if there is anything you want to ask me go ahead!

Vacation destination on your mind: Right now it’s Germany

Worst habit: Rambling

X-Rays You’ve Had: Zero

Your Favorite Food: Chicken and pizza

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Image result for aquarius traits

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