Malta Fashion Week 2019: Best Dressed

Greetings beauties! As you can tell from the title, I will be taking a look at my favourite looks from this year’s Malta Fashion Week and Malta Fashion Awards. As usual, these are my honest opinions and doesn’t mean that anyone not mentioned didn’t have a great outfit because, to be honest with you, I loved them ALL. Many wore local designers and that alone really made it tough for me to pinpoint a few outfits.

Also, make sure you follow these amazing local bloggers/influencers because their influence on me is significant. They keep me going ❤

Click here to read about last year’s Malta Fashion Week

Tamara Webb

There is honestly nothing I can say that accurately describes how stunning she looks in this dress. She upped last year by a lot!

Grazielle Camilleri

What a goddess!

Danita Camilleri

The most down-to-earth and outspoken blogger in Malta, Danita blossomed in this white attire complete with a floral bag and jacket.

A quick in case she is reading this, but I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate her and wish her luck on her pregnancy! 💕🤰🏻

Victoria Rotchenkova

I love this girl so much, and she nailed it with this black Nilara dress!

Caroline Paris

Both Caroline herself and the dress are a sight to behold. A literal work of ART

Sarah Zerafa

Sarah’s known for serving look after look, and it was as tough as last year to choose just one look, so I didn’t choose just one, not even two (like in 2018)… but THREE looks from this year’s Fashion Week.

Samira Axiaq

Same as Sarah, I couldn’t pinpoint one favourite look from newcomer Samira, so I went ahead and chose three!

Stella Cini

She can pull off any hair colour, length and style imaginable, but now we know she can also pull off any outfit!

Faith Pace

Faith is representing all us plus size girls and boys this year! Simply love her confidence, and I hope we get to see more of her at local events

Taryn Mamo-Cefai

This gorgeous girl doesn’t only act and serve looks, but she also gives me major travel envy (you’ll know what I mean if you follow her on Instagram!)

Claire Agius Ordway

Yes, if you scroll down, you will see I included all six of Claire’s looks. Consider it one of those ‘One Skirt Six Looks’ type of post. And she slayed each look!

Jade Zammit Stevens

This girl though…! Give her any coloured outfit and she’ll flawlessly nail it

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