REVIEW: ‘Betrayal’

As you may have read in my London post, I had the opportunity to go see the play Betrayal which featured Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Cox and Zawe Ashton. In this post, I shall be reviewing the play, pointing out both its highs and lows. As with any review, this opinion is my own and I don’t mean to offend the creators of the play or the actors portraying the characters. Continue reading “REVIEW: ‘Betrayal’”

Five Days in London

Welcome back to my blog, beauties! I missed you all soo much! As I said in this post, I will be stepping back a bit from blogging to live a better life outside of my room. I had a blog post planned, but since I spent five days in London, I thought I would share how I spent these days, and boy were some of these days eventful! Continue reading “Five Days in London”