Blogger Recognition Award! [2]

The THIRD blogging nomination this month alone! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! I am literally speechless. Which is why I always resort to writing most of the time.

Image result for mic drop gif

Thanks a million bunch to Maya Willemse for nominating me ❤ You’re a doll!

Da Rulez

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  • Give a brief story of how and why you started blogging.
  • Give two pieces of advice you would give to brand new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog letting them know you have nominated them giving the link to the post you have created.

The reason why…

Why I’m blogging has shifted a bit since my first nomination.While I am still trying to break the stigma surrounding mental health illnesses and problems, right now I am doing this blogging thing as a hobby, and something to chronicle my life and interests.

As you may have seen recently, I have started doing more things about films. That’s not me saying tschüss to mental health and the stigma (i.e. my primary aim). This is me sort of showing other people that I am not just someone who watches films. I analyse films. I devour them, if you may. And I might be getting some opportunities behind the scenes (more on that in the future), and this is like my portfolio.

My Advice… From me to YOU!

Three words: Do you boo. Screw your family, superiors, friends, peers… EVERYONE. Do what you deem best for yourself. Obviously listen to what others have to say, but don’t do what they tell you to do just because they said so. Think about it and if you want to do it, then do it.

… & the Nominees are…!

  1. Katie Rose Loves
  2. With the Grey
  3. A Small Wardrobe
  4. Kyle Magri *
  5. Katie Scarlett
  6. I am Tracy Nicole
  7. Her Unusual Journey
  8. Sit Back and Just Live
  9. Tales of Belle
  10. Ink-Stained Forest *
  11. The Pretty Balanced Life
  12. Life of a Make-Up Artist
  13. Strong not Skinny *
  14. Darly
  15. Simple Ula

* Locals


Mystery Blogger Award!

Hello my beautiful friends! It’s been several days since my last post, but I’m back… and with a blogging award nomination! I would like to thank my friend Betina for nominating me.

Okoto Enigma is the creator of this award!


  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Post the rules.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog too.
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  • Nominate 10-20 people for the same award.
  • Notify the nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird/funny question.

3 Facts

  1. If I wasn’t currently an LSA, I would be working in media or studying further something related to media
  2. My most prized possession(s) would probably be my non-fiction collection of books
  3. I was always the dumped one in a relationship

5 Questions: Answers

  1.  Sea or forest? I love nature, and it’s going to be very hard for me to choose. Since I live on an island and the closest thing to a forest is Buskett, then I’ll choose ‘forest’
  2. Your favorite childhood movie? I saw a lot of movies growing up, but the ‘Home Alone’ movies with Macaulay Culkin were my sh*t. I loved him, I loved the movie plots, and I miss movies like those
  3. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King for the chicken burger, McDonald’s for the rest
  4. You’re nr 1 on your travel bucket list? Liverpool and New York City
  5. First thing you do if you won 1 mill euro? Travel with half of them, the other half would go to charity

5 Questions

  1. Your favourite season in terms of fashion?
  2. If you were any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  3. One artist/band you want to see live?
  4. How accurate is your star sign?
  5. Favourite subject when you were in school (or if you still are, your current favourite)

10 Nominees

  1. Style in Transit
  2. Caroline: Post-Grad
  3. Kezzie’s Corner
  4. One Chick and a Yorkie – one of my first commenters/follows on my blog, and I freaking love her! ❤
  5. Dive Inside
  6. Scrabbled Rambles
  7. Smashing Darling x
  8. As told by Jade
  9. Lola.Lolita archives x
  10. Style Syco

The Leibster Award!

I was sick since Wednesday, which is why I was MIA on all my social media – that would be my Facebook page/group/personal profile, Instagram and such. But I’m feeling better because, guess what? I got nominated for my SECOND blogging award, the Leibster!

I got nominated by the lovely Tracy (hint: if you’re into book/series/video game reviews, give her a follow!).

Rules are simple: answer 11 questions, come up with 11 questions of your own, nominate 11 people. But I’m ignoring the last part.

So without further ado, here are my answers to Tracy’s questions!

Continue reading “The Leibster Award!”

Sunshine Blogger Award!

Around a week ago, I was nominated for my first award by the lovely Caroline. The rules are pretty simple . . .

Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog

Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them

Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer

Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post

Here are the questions I have been asked:

Why do you blog?

I blog not only because I’ve always wanted to or because I’ve been writing since I learned how to, but most especially to spread awareness on the stigma on mental health. To enjoy life and spread peace and love, one must be in love with his inner self, and that is what I advocate for.

What is your first memory?

Wow, um… I honestly have no idea. I never really thought about it, but I think it would be when I was still in Year 6 (9-10 years of age) and it suddenly hit me that in Year 7 I’d be separated from most of my friends, especially the male ones since I was going to an all-girls school. What can I say? I was a bit of a boy magnet!

If you were a painter, what would you paint?

I would paint something that makes people feel relaxed and at peace and loved, and they get the urge to spread those positive feelings everywhere they go. If I had to choose a painting that, in my opinion, represents that to me, it would be Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.

If you could live in any book, which would it be and why?

Many would say Harry Potter, but would you really want to live in a world where Umbridge was alive?! I think not! I’d probably live in the world of Coraline by Neil Gaiman, because it is so beautifully written. It’s a perfect example of a horror book appropriate for children.

What was your dream job when you were 5?

My earliest memory of talking about a career was when I was at a bank with my mother when I wasn’t even eight years old, and the nice lady banker asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I immediately replied, “A mummy.” She smiled and explained that anyone can be a mum. This was also a time where I thought babies were made when a man and a woman kissed.

After that, I think I’ve always been into jobs which required travelling: a tour leader, air hostess, museum curator, journalist, writer.

What is one thing you will never do?

Start a war. Literally, figuratively, hypothetically or metaphorically. War is never the solution to anything, but unfortunately not everyone agrees.

In an alternate reality, which country are you born/raised in?

Merseyside, Liverpool since the 1940s. I used to live in an area known as Speke, where my good friends George and Paul also lived. You might know them, they went on to became half of the very legendary band The Beatles.

If you could create a new food, what would it be and why?

A cake made entirely out of chips (fries for the Americans) and chicken and pizza. My mouth is currently watering at the thought!

What is your favorite smell/scent?

Tea and gasoline, the latter which I aware is really bad for my health, but I still love it.

What would be your superpower if you had one?

The ability to heal anyone and anything.

At some point in your life, would you like to know the future? (never, only under certain circumstances, absolutely, etc.)

Absolutely never! What if I turn out the opposite of who I am? I’d be devastated for sure! So no, I’ll live my life with lots of questions about my future, thank you very much.

My nominees are! . . .

  1. Alexandra
  2. Fiona
  3. Lyndsey
  4. Kezia
  5. Kelly
  6. Svetlana
  7. Caroline
  8. Yvonne
  9. Pavli
  10. Deborah
  11. Lara

My questions are! . . .

  1. What inspired you to blog?
  2. If you had to stick to one make-up brand for the rest of life, which would it be and why?
  3. Which is your favourite blog post?
  4. If you had to be one person – dead or alive – who would it be and what would be the first thing you did as this person?
  5. What’s your favourite place in the whole world?
  6. If you had to travel to the past in a particular decade, which would it be and why?
  7. What advice would you give to your younger self?
  8. Name three people you look up to.
  9. What is the one thing you never leave home without?
  10. What is your all-time favourite song?
  11. What advice would you give to beginner bloggers?