Back at it again!

Guess who decided to come back to the blogging world? Only the most irrelevant person on this planet: me! Just kidding, but yes. I have decided that, after over a year of having said adieu to blogging, it was time to unleash a new me: more creative but equally as witty as before.

A fresh start requires a new name and logo.

And since I’m known for my brutally honest opinions, and how this blog will be more ‘me’ than it was as From Claire’s POV, I’ve decided to become…

It has quite a nice ring to it, if I must say so myself.

Why the rose in the logo?

The only way I can summarise it in a nutshell and without beating around the bush is through this quote:


Matshona Dhliwayo

So what’s different from my previous blog?

* If you’ve followed me since the heydays of From Claire’s POV, then you may notice that some posts have been removed, because I genuinely felt like they’re not me anymore. I’ve left some of my best and most popular ones – so advice bits, personal letters, mental health posts, and my favourite series Fact VS Fiction and Dim the Spotlight, both which I’m already working on as you’re reading this.

* There will be no fixed schedule as with before, but this time they will be less frequent because I’ll be putting more time into each post and trying to include my own photography because… FINALLY… I have a proper camera and setup to take nice photos.

* Following up on the previous statement, since I made s setup in my pint-sized room to take photos, I’d like to include more fashion content and lookbooks. This said, I’m by no means turning into an ‘influencer’, model or pretending to know two cents about the fashion world. It’s just something fun that I’d love to experiment in, and already started taking some test shots and have plenty more planned, so stay tuned!

* I will also be including more personal posts as a lot has happened since I last posted, and I’d like to share that with all of you, so I hope you stick around for that.


It honestly feels so good to be back to doing this every once in a while. I hope you’ll enjoy this fresh image of mine that will represent more of who I am rather than who I want people to think I am.