“Privacy is a Privilege”… or is it?

But to what extent?

In a society where social media outlets, particularly Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and more recently Snapchat, just how private is our privacy?

I live in a small country, where everyone knows each other, and nothing that happens here goes unnoticed. My battle with mental health spread like a viral disease in just minutes of posting an article about it on my blog. Then, after posting on a local popular website, it went viral within seconds. I can no longer with this… secret… something people think is a secret anyways (The stigma of mental health).

I agree that some things are better kept secret, but then again, if one keeps something secret, how can it help? I kept my battle with depression secret for half my life (11 years), and b r o k e me. Coming out not only helped me, but also others going through the same thing as myself. I may be recovered, but things can always change.

Hollywood Stigma

What does the Hollywood stigma have to do with privacy? In the world full of glitz, glamour, fame and wealth, everyone knows everything about you. Who A-listers are dating or cheating with, what they’re eating, where they went shopping, even if they did something an average person would do, like walking their dog or taking out the trash.

Privacy doesn’t really come within the lines of work of a famous person. Once you’re in, wave your privacy goodbye. People will know everything about you, which is why some were driven down a downward spiral, even resulting in an untimely death.

Some, however, are luckier than others. Their ‘private’ life is so private you sometimes lose track of them. Let’s take Ryan Gosling for example… Did you know he recently had his second child with his wife Eva Mendes? Bet you were as shocked as I am, because Eva announced she was even carrying a second child after they were born! Similarly, some celebrity moms hid their pregnancies throughout the whole nine months!

So how do they do it?

Think before you Speak

If you think your private life can be jeopardise din any ways, whether you’re famous or an average Joe, just think before you speak. If your secrets or some things that people would not probably understand, don’t talk about it at all.

Or be careful who you trust.

via Daily Prompt: Privacy

This is probably the worst post I’ve ever written in my entire existence. My apologies.