Cosy night in: The 10 essentials!

What are YOUR favourite cosy night in essentials? Mine are included in this list, which I hope you will enjoy or relate to! Leave a comment, like the post, share it and follow my blog for more fun (and sometimes very serious) posts! 🙂

Sometimes after work or a day out in the cold, all you want to do is jump into your bed, under the fleecy blankets and duvet cover with a glass of wine or a mug of tea! Having a cosy night in is almost as good, so here are a few things to make your lazy evening so much more comforting.

#1 A mug of hot chocolate

It can only be the best hot chocolate, so grab yourself a tub of Cadbury’s, you can even make your own with melted chocolate or chocolate milk! Top with giant marshmallows and a flake or some grated milk chocolate. If you’re really making an evening of it, add a dash (or two) of Baileys or Cointreau to warm yourself up!

#2 A movie to get lost in

It can be whatever genre you want – pick a movie that you love or one you’ve been meaning to see for ages but never had time to watch. Keep updated on nice movies to watch during this winter season, such as Christmas movies for example!

#3 The cosiest, softest, warmest knitted jumper

You know the one. It sits in the back of your wardrobe in spring and summer, waiting patiently for the cold so that you can take it out again, pull it over your head and hug it tight. It’s probably a bit big for you so you can pull it over your knees and also wear other jumpers underneath (Do you do that? Or am I the only one?? Let me know!)

#4 Light up the night with fairy lights

Forget the main light in your room that glares in every direction, opt for something softer and more ambient. Fairy lights are my favourite; they can be bought cheaply online or in pretty much any store around this time of year. Hang them around the mantle piece to make the room feel just a little bit magical. I have cute butterfly fairy lights which I got from New Look last Christmas (and I am currently biting my tongue to avoid singing the song).

#5 Make your house smell like freshly baked gingerbread…

Or cotton sheets, just-picked cherries… the list is endless! A few scented tea lights dotted around the room or on top of a fireplace can give you just enough light and fill the air with your favourite smells. You could use aromatic candles if you really want to de-stress and relax.

#6 Cloud-like cushions to sink into

You can’t have a cozy night in without being super comfortable. Grab a few large cushions to arrange around you, lay back and relax into them (with your hot chocolate and laptop – you don’t want to get up after you’ve squished down!). You’re never too old to make a fort either!

#7 Something to flick through

Sometimes, we just need to get away from the screens we spend so most of our time looking at and indulge in something with actual pages. Grab a couple of magazines on your way home from work, or look for that new book you bought so long ago it probably can’t be described as new anymore, and believe me, they are a LOT for me.

#8 Feast away

You need some treats to hand for the evening. They don’t have to be unhealthy; a simple chicken or lentils soup could be just what you need after a long day at work, or perhaps some dip will give you the extra vitamins you need to fight off your cold that won’t disappear. I will be doing some sweet and savoury recipes to try this festive season soon, so watch this space!

#9 Serene sounds

Add some background noise to your evening – Spotify is brilliant for this as you can use the radio function and discover a new song or artist you haven’t heard before. I would go with an acoustic sound – it’s completely up to you! you can also create a playlist with your favourite wind-down songs such as the likes of Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran!

#10 A person

It could be your boyfriend, best friend, sister or brother – having someone to share your cosy night with can make it so much more enjoyable. Invite your whole group of friends over, or put your feet up with your furry flatmate (your cat or dog, not the mouldy cheese in your fridge!).

What else would you have on your list for a perfect night in?

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Bag Essentials

I’ve been slacking on posts, I know. I have no excuses apart from procrastination. Big time procrastination. So as my comeback, I decided to write about my bag essentials. As a disclaimer, I’d like to point out that these are things I have in my bag; this is not an essentials bible.

Nail Files

Broken or chipped nail? No problemo! These printed emery board by Dirty Works are the perfect fix for better looking nails!


Pen & Notepad

I’m a writer, and get inspired everywhere I go. So a notebook and pen are always carried around with me. The ones I’m using are by Gorjuss, and they actually are gorgeous!


Whenever I’m stuck on the bus in traffic, a good read is always a good company. I’m currently reading Glamour Magazine with Reese Witherspoon on the cover.



Where I live is sunny sunny sunny, so a pair is always in my bag. I’m currently obsessed with these cat-eye sunglasses from River Island!



I carry these with me because… well, you can never know when you need an eyebrow fix. The ones I use are these slanted ones by Dirty WOrk (can you tell I’m obsessed with this brand?)


Nail Clipper

Because my nails suck, and if one is chipped or broken, then off they all go! I use Ms Manicure’s nail clipper with the grip so it’s slippery-free.


Lip Balm

Since the weather here is humid and very dry, lips often get dry and chipped in a blink of an eye. Pearly Shine by Nivea is the perfect lip balm for those dry lips, so pucker up ladies!


Hand Cream

Yas, ma’am! Like I said, with this weather we’re having, your skin is bound to get dry, so I use this hand cream with shea butter, which I got from H&M, and I haven’t used anything since.


Compact Mirror

Obviously, you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself (sorry, got carried away there). I use this cute one from Katty Miyoko
