Fall ’18 Trends I am Obsessed With

Greeting everyone, and welcome back to my blog! It has been a hot minute since I posted something that wasn’t part of a series. I have been quite preoccupied outside of the blogging-sphere, and needed a break. But I have some time off and decided to dedicate it to blogging, writing and researching for other blog posts.

This post is all about fall/winter 2018 trends that I am obsessed with. Hope you enjoy reading it! Let me know which your favourites are! Continue reading “Fall ’18 Trends I am Obsessed With”

Get to Know Me: My ABCs

Hello everyone and welcome back for another ‘get to know me’ post! This time round, I was inspired by Sarah from Mindfully Sarah to create like a mini About Me post using the alphabet. Check out hers here!

Continue reading “Get to Know Me: My ABCs”


Hello my lovelies, and welcome back to my blog! I was planning a storytime post for today, but then my good friend Betina from LiveNotExist tagged me in the ‘TMI Tag’. So enjoy and check out her blog and the beautiful bloggers I have tagged at the end of the post!

Continue reading “TMI Tag”

Stranger Things, we need answers! *SPOILERS AHEAD*

It has been almost two weeks since the second season of Stranger Things premiered on Netflix. I’ve already done a post on why you should watch the series. In this post, WHICH CONTAINS SPOILERS BY THE WAY!!!!!!!!!, I will be discussing some questions we have been asking throughout the two seasons, which are still unanswered. The answers which are out there may be speculations or fan theories.

Read along!

Continue reading “Stranger Things, we need answers! *SPOILERS AHEAD*”

REVIEW: Holler and Glow purrfect pedi Sock Mask

Why hello there! Hope your September is going good like mine so far! I have two weeks until I start my new job, so I have some time to kill… which I can do by reviewing some products! So sit back and enjoy the fails!

Today we will be reviewing the
Holler and Glow purrfect pedi Sock Mask

which I got from Primark at just £4.

Continue reading “REVIEW: Holler and Glow purrfect pedi Sock Mask”

Banggood.com MINI HAUL!

Hello my beautiful friends! Today is a very exciting day because I have received a few packages from my friends at Banggood.com! As you may remember, a while ago, I put together my own Wishlist in collaboration with this website.

My order was placed sometime around 29th August, and all arrived today together, which is not a bad waiting time considering they’re from a completely different continent! Everything was wrapped up securely, nothing came broken, but on top of all, the communication and customer service with the staff was extremely good. They were helpful and answered any questions and queries I had.

Let’s take a look at the list!

Continue reading “Banggood.com MINI HAUL!”

REVIEW: Leaders Cosmetics USA Aloe Soothing Renewal Mask 3/5

Greetings! Today’s quite sunny here in Malta, and what better way to spend a nice, relaxing Sunday than to try a mask? Today, I will be trying the Aloe Soothing Renewal Mask by Leaders Cosmetics USA.

Continue reading “REVIEW: Leaders Cosmetics USA Aloe Soothing Renewal Mask 3/5”

Mazia’s Favourites Subscription Box – UNBOXING

Greeting my beautiful friends!
It’s raining right now in my home country, and what better way to spend time indoors
than to unbox Marzia’s Limited Edition SUMMER FAVES BOX?
I love Marzia a lot; her style is very similar to mine – cute and girly yet comfy and sporty at the same time – and she is downright beautiful.

I have received another one of her subscription boxes in the past, and was really looking forward to trying this one. Let’s see what’s inside shall we?

Continue reading “Mazia’s Favourites Subscription Box – UNBOXING”

Why ‘Stand by Me’ is the best coming-of-age movie

“By the time we get there, the kid won’t even be dead anymore.”

I don’t even know what to say because this coming-of-age movie is like no other. Every coming-of-age that has been created since then has been influenced by it in some way, whether they know it or not. Never has a movie made me feel so nostalgic and the way it was able to bring me back to when I was 12 years old was unbelievable, thanks to director Rob Reiner.

This is not just a movie, but a tribute to every kid who ever had one of those crazy group of friends when they were young that are hard to forget. What “Stand By Me” taught us was that whether those people are still in our lives or if they were just a passing stage in our lives, you will never have friends later on like the ones you had when you were twelve.

Continue reading “Why ‘Stand by Me’ is the best coming-of-age movie”