I saw Kaiser Chiefs live… and a LOT happened!

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog! Happy September first off; for me September means going back to work and gearing up for Autumn and eventually my favourite season ever, WINTER! This is something I mentioned in my August Favorites post a few days ago, and it’s about seeing indie rock band Kaiser Chiefs live.

So without further ado, let’s get started on this short yet meaningful storytime!

Continue reading “I saw Kaiser Chiefs live… and a LOT happened!”

May Favourites #5

Introducing another one of my new series for 2018: monthly favourites! This is where I describe how my month went, kind of like how I did with my #ClaireNotes last year, but with more general things that you may know about! I hope you enjoy! Let me know what your favourites from May were!

Continue reading “May Favourites #5”