Malta Fashion Week 2018: Best Dressed


Greetings beauties! This post has been a LONG time coming, but I did a LOT of research for the images on Instagram as they were mostly posted there. As you can tell from the title, I will be taking a look at my favourite looks from this year’s Malta Fashion Week and Malta Fashion Awards.

As usual, these are my honest opinions and doesn’t mean that anyone not mentioned didn’t have a great outfit because, to be honest with you, I loved them ALL. Many wore local designers and that alone really made it tough for me to pinpoint a few outfits.

Also make sure you follow these amazing local bloggers/influencers because their influence on me is significant. They keep me going ❤

Continue reading “Malta Fashion Week 2018: Best Dressed”

I’m in a music video…yes, for real!

You might think I’ve gone barking mad, but yes. I was in a music video! It may have been a few seconds, but I was. My name was written and everything! I was super excited since I was asked to be a part of it, and kept my mouth shut on my Page and Instagram to give you all a surprise! Read on for an account of this experience.

Continue reading “I’m in a music video…yes, for real!”