Mazia’s Favourites Subscription Box – UNBOXING

Greeting my beautiful friends!
It’s raining right now in my home country, and what better way to spend time indoors
than to unbox Marzia’s Limited Edition SUMMER FAVES BOX?
I love Marzia a lot; her style is very similar to mine – cute and girly yet comfy and sporty at the same time – and she is downright beautiful.

I have received another one of her subscription boxes in the past, and was really looking forward to trying this one. Let’s see what’s inside shall we?

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Things I Would Like to Do In The Future

Psychology Course

During my year-long stint at University, I studied Psychology for two semesters. I enjoyed every second of it… well, I love Psychology in general; I spent more time outside reading or surf-shopping with my classmates from my course than actually paying attention to the lectures since all the notes were sent to us by email.

Just a few days ago, I was looking for some things and I stumbled upon these Psychology notes, and it made me feel nostalgic of the one-year stint.

In a forum for the local MHA, someone wanted suggestions on Psychology courses, and a friend of mine said that she is attending one and that is is really interesting. And that triggered my sudden interest in sitting for a Psychology course… at least on Intermediate level… for now.

The brain is a fascinating thing isn’t it?

Voluntary Work

I’ve always been a keen voluntary worker, but never really found the time to do much voluntary work. Last time I did any type for voluntary work was for a school project which was worth almost half my grade. I once did voluntary work at the Notarial Archives in Valletta.

But other than that, nothing.

Now that I have three whole months in summer of not working, I decided on doing more voluntary work if I don’t manage to find a job for the summer, and decided on two organisations to give  helping hand to:

  • MSPCA – Malta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Everyone knows I love animals, particularly dogs, and I want this experience to serve me for a future of owning a dog myself)
  • Richmond Foundation – a nonprofit dealing with mental health (now you know why I want to volunteer with them).change-the-world-1


Make-Up Course

I buy lots of make-up. I actually made a post about my make-up collection, which has since expanded spectacularly… and yet I have no clue how to apply eyeliner without looking borderline Panda.

So that’s why I think a makeup course would be good for me. I know several make-up artists who make the most BEAUTIFUL make-up, and I want to be able to do that too!

(Just nothing too extravagant. As if I want to look like the Mad Hatter!)



BONUS: Have her beautiful features

Start a Nonprofit for People Without a Voice

I don’t mean people who cannot talk, but who think they are alone in the world with their problems, no matter how little or severe they are. It could be on mental health, traumatic experiences, eating disorders, sexuality… anything the world exploits and tosses aside.


Write a Self-Help Book

The goal of all future goals. I’ve alway been keen on literature and the skill of writing. I remember my earliest memory of writing a story. It was about a boy whose toys come to life and — no, not Toy Story — they take over his family and hold them hostage. Now before you say anything… I was actually around eight years old when I wrote this. EIGHT. And already writing about hostage situations! I know, I know… weird, and sad… but I always had a wild imagination ahead of me.

(It still precedes me to this day, but anyways).

But this time I don’t want to base myself on fiction, but more of a first-hand experience type of writing.

A self-help book.

With a LOT of first-hand experience to write a freaking saga, I want to put all my life together in a book to help people of all genders, ages, religions and sexual orientation. No judgement. Just guidance and illumination through writing.

And guess what…?

I’VE ALREADY STARTED IT! Yes, that’s right! I’m in the process of writing my first (and hopefully not last) book! I already have a photographer and illustrator on board… and they’re both survivors like myself! Couldn’t have asked for anyone better than them!

So stay tuned for a book with my name written on it! AAAAAAAAAA!


So these are my future goals. I might update this post if the need arises. Let me know in the comments what YOUR goals for the future are.

That’s it from me, stay strong beautifuls x

Marzia x Winky Lux Lip Kit

Today started out as a rainy day, but towards late morning it became sunny and beautiful.

But that’s not what I’ll be writing about here. You can tell by the title what the topic of the day is! And I am E X C I T E D about it!

I ordered this in the beginning of February as a birthday present for myself. (Yes I am aware that sounds rather chauvinistic, but I think after suffering for half my life and only just began recovery last year, I deserve it).

This is what I got from Winky Lux

Winky Lux products are all:

  • Cruelty Free 🐰
  • Paraben Free
  • Talc Free
  • Gluten Free

1. Marzia’s Lip Kit


  • 1 x Pug Make-up Pouch
  • 1 x Stella Marina Matte Lipstick
  • 1 x Corallo Matte Lipstick
Marzia Lip Kit

2. Birthday Cake Lipgloss

Lipgloss – Birthday Cake

I got this for free because I ordered the lip kit in my birthday month. Sign up and get yours when ordering a product in your birthday month!

       3. Diamond Powder – Light

Diamond Powder – Light

I got a sample of this product and it feels AMAZING on my skin! Definitely buying in the future!

So that’s what I received today! Kudos to Marzia, my favourite blogger/Youtuber for the excellent lip kit.



See you in the next one!