50 Questions You’ve NEVER Been Asked Before

Greetings, beauties! I was reading Jessica Jade Beauty‘s blog – which you should check out – and stumbled upon the post 50 questions you’ve never been asked beforeI’ve been wanting to do this post for a while, but had no time to actually for down and write it. I hope you enjoy it whilst getting to know me a little bit better! I would love all of you to try this out so we get to know each other better!

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Get to Know Me: 100th Post Special!

Greeting my Internet friends! (and viewers, and crawlers, and trolls!). This is officially my 100th post! Throw that confetti and pop the champagne! Woo Hoooooooo! I have already done a get to know me post, but I decided to add more questions which are as weird as this girl writing them so, yeah… this is the turnout! Read on!

Continue reading “Get to Know Me: 100th Post Special!”