What I Got For My Birthday

I had THE best birthday in my entire life. Work greeted me with happy smiles and cheerfulness, the kids too, and I saw my BFF and we chilled with some takeout pizza and Harry Potter. Then I spent the weekend with my boyfriend at a hotel, a treat for both our birthdays (his is a day before mine).

Wondering what I got for this special day? Well, you’re in the right place then…


First present I got was from my colleagues, which was a EUR15 voucher from The Body SHop. They know how obsessed I am with skincare and cruelty-free products, so this present was perfect for me.


No, unfortunately I didn’t get a chubby, ginger, bowtie-wearing, alcohol-drinking cutie of a cat, but I did get money from my parents and Nonna. So we can call it a win still.


My sister and boyfriend got me this cute navy and brown satchel bag from Accessorize. The bag is quite spacious and has white blots all over it.

From my bestfriend I got not one… not two!… but THREE PRESENTS. Which I was not expecting.


First thing I opened was this pegboard with letters and symbols. She was going to buy me a lightboard from New Look, and luckily while we were in the store, I pointed out that I had one but with 2 layers instead of 3.


Second gift I opened was this book called Dogs of Instagram. I love dogs. I love Instagram. The result? This great gift. Can you tell I’ve known this person for over a DECADE?!

Last gift I got from her was this beautiful Unicorn Trinket Dish from Sass & Belle. It’s a nice touch to my room, which is becoming more ‘me’.

Last but certainly not least are the gifts from my boyfriend and his parents…

His parents gave me this set of six silver bracelets with very light blue gems from River Island. I don’t know how they knew that this was my current favourite colour, but they nailed this gift.

Then there’s my amazing boyfriend ❤


First up is my birthday present, which is this dystopian card game called ‘Coup’. It’s not the usual present one would expect. But I love card games, especially ones where you need to use your brain. And I love anything dystopian: movies, TV shows, books, documentaries, cultures… everything basically. And now I love this game!


This is my V-Day gift, which is a Me to You mug-and-bear set. I loved this gift more than expected because I know my boyfriend is quite insecure about relationships and feelings, but the fact that he did the effort alone made this gift special. And I love teddy bears, and Me to You things.

So this was what I got for my birthday/V-day. These gifts really showed how much these people love me and care for me… and also know me more than I do sometimes.

Next post will be my February notes, so stay tuned for that at the end of the month!

Bag Essentials

I’ve been slacking on posts, I know. I have no excuses apart from procrastination. Big time procrastination. So as my comeback, I decided to write about my bag essentials. As a disclaimer, I’d like to point out that these are things I have in my bag; this is not an essentials bible.

Nail Files

Broken or chipped nail? No problemo! These printed emery board by Dirty Works are the perfect fix for better looking nails!


Pen & Notepad

I’m a writer, and get inspired everywhere I go. So a notebook and pen are always carried around with me. The ones I’m using are by Gorjuss, and they actually are gorgeous!


Whenever I’m stuck on the bus in traffic, a good read is always a good company. I’m currently reading Glamour Magazine with Reese Witherspoon on the cover.



Where I live is sunny sunny sunny, so a pair is always in my bag. I’m currently obsessed with these cat-eye sunglasses from River Island!



I carry these with me because… well, you can never know when you need an eyebrow fix. The ones I use are these slanted ones by Dirty WOrk (can you tell I’m obsessed with this brand?)


Nail Clipper

Because my nails suck, and if one is chipped or broken, then off they all go! I use Ms Manicure’s nail clipper with the grip so it’s slippery-free.


Lip Balm

Since the weather here is humid and very dry, lips often get dry and chipped in a blink of an eye. Pearly Shine by Nivea is the perfect lip balm for those dry lips, so pucker up ladies!


Hand Cream

Yas, ma’am! Like I said, with this weather we’re having, your skin is bound to get dry, so I use this hand cream with shea butter, which I got from H&M, and I haven’t used anything since.


Compact Mirror

Obviously, you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself (sorry, got carried away there). I use this cute one from Katty Miyoko
