Things that should be taught in school

During secondary (or high, for the foreigners) school, we are taught many things that are relevant to our education, which is all well and good, but there are so many things that students aren’t taught to prepare them for real life. Sure, we may know the ins and outs of problem solving in Math and the invasions that happened in Malta, but I don’t think that’s going to look too good on our CVs, do you? Well, unless we’re all historians and scientists that is. We’re told our entire lives to work hard in order to prepare for adulthood, but how can we prepare when we don’t know how to even move out of our family homes or pay a tax bill?

Here are 14 real life things school should’ve taught us.

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Working in Education

For those who do not know, I work in the Education industry as what most people call a Specialist Teacher. In my country, we are called LSAs, an abbreviation for Learning Support Assistant. This summer, I worked for the first time as a Child Support Worker during summer school.

In case you were wondering, no, this isn’t my first job, and haven’t been doing this for long. In fact, I only started in late January of last year. So I’m not really an expert in this area, but I’m willing to give you a lowdown on what it’s like to work in education.

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