Mental Health Awareness Month 2018

I had so many things to do in April and this first week of May, it completely slipped my mind that it’s mental health awareness month. You may be a tiny bit aware of how important May is to me, and it is not just because of my very open and very public struggle with mental health illnesses.

my blog is

First thing’s first… my blog is turning TWO YEARS OLD this month! The blog that has helped so many of you beautiful people with your struggles and in return gave ME hope. I am so proud of keeping this up for this long. To be honest, there were times where I wanted to give up altogether.

However, having many people contacting me here or on my Facebook page about how much I’ve helped them get through their problems by sharing my own, and also asking for more advice and about my treatment and therapy, which brings me to the next point!

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May will mark the last (!!!) therapy session with my psychiatrist after 2+ years. He has been my greatest helper in all of this, up there next to my mum, boyfriend, best friend and YOU GUYS! Yes, you reading this, you have helped me, because you kept me going for the past 2 years. So thank you all so much for being there for me!

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It looks bright, big and beautiful. Later this month I will be announcing something very big happening in mid-June in my home country and it involves yours truly! I wasn’t given a lot of details as of yet but I will for sure let you know because ALL LOCALS will be able to attend this event so wa-hey!

Below you will find mental health-related posts from my blog for your own perusal. Make sure you read them with an open mind and heart. Love to all!

Things That Have Helped me Deal with Mental Health

“It all just got real…” – My Journey to Being Diagnosed

5/Infinity Songs That Helped Me Through Tough Times

My Biggest Fear

My Experience with Body Confidence

“Deleting” The Past

An Open Letter To The People Who Left Me Behind

What February 26th means to me

#BreaktheStigma… from the Survivors

Letter to Alice (Anxiety) and Dina (Depression)

The Skinny on… Stigma

Why I Still Go to Therapy… and why it’s OK

Dim the Spotlight on… – All posts

It’s OK to…

Mental Health First Aid

Youtubers/Bloggers Who Talk About Their Mental Health Problems/Illnesses

One Year Later… Progress

The Symptoms of Depression Nobody Talks About

I’m Sorry

My First Suicide Attempt: #Storytime

I’m in a music video…yes, for real!

New Year’s Resolution for People with Mental Health Problems/Illnesses

Songs that talk about mental health

Mental Health Stats

2 Years in Recovery

My Insecurities

My Journey to Alcohol Abstinence