On the 7th day of Christmas, my credit card gave to me…: A Christmas [mini] Haul

Hello my beautiful internet friends! Yesterday was my first proper shopping spree in what seems like ages, probably since before I bought my car back in November, and boy did I need it! Even though I didn’t buy much, I went to spend almost €150, which for me, is a huge amount. but they were all things I somehow needed, especially the jeans I bought.

Here’s what I got from the two shops I visited: New Look and Dorothy Perkins, both in Valletta.

Continue reading “On the 7th day of Christmas, my credit card gave to me…: A Christmas [mini] Haul”

Things to do on a rainy day

Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing on a rainy day? Or, even worse, you want to be productive but don’t know what to do? This list is for you then! Here are some things you may find useful to do on a cold, rainy day… and it won’t require you going out in the pouring rain! I understand how difficult it must be for certain people from certain countries to go out and do something outside their home in the rain. There are things I do to be productive at the comfort of my home. But if you feel like something should be added, do not hesitate to leave a comment! I will add it along with YOUR name/blog as a form of thanks! So without further ado, here are things to do on a rainy day…

Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing on a rainy day? Or, even worse, you want to be productive but don’t know what to do? This list is for you then! Here are some things you may find useful to do on a cold, rainy day… and it won’t require you going out in the pouring rain! I understand how difficult it must be for certain people from certain countries to go out and do something outside their home in the rain. There are things I do to be productive at the comfort of my home. But if you feel like something should be added, do not hesitate to leave a comment! I will add it along with YOUR name/blog as a form of thanks! So without further ado, here are things to do on a rainy day… especially with December’s cold and rainy days ahead!

Continue reading “Things to do on a rainy day”

#ClaireNotes – November 2017

An investment

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3rd November marks the day my car hunting days (just two!) came to an end. I bought my first car! A cute, snug Chevy which name thus far is just Sparky is officially Lil Bastard (in ode to James Dean’s). This is my first huge investment in life; after this, comes my first home away from my actual home. This is also a thanks to my dad for being patient enough to drive me around for two whole days in search for my first car. Thanks Papa!

Autumn/Winter transition

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My favourite trends are ALL wintery. I love feeling snug in my clothes. I have a jacket which I call my “bed” because of how comfortable it is! I wear it almost everyday for work and barely take it off.

As of now – when the article has been published – my wardrobe and room is officially autumn/winter ready. The only short-sleeved tops I have are vests I wear underneath my clothes. My bed has fleecy covers and a cuddly duvet. My pyjamas are almost all fleecty as well.

(Can you tell how much I love fleecy, snug, wintery things?!)

Christmas time… one month too early!

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Hands down, my favourite time of the year is when end of October rolls in. That’s when I REALLY invest myself into the Christmassy spirit and come out with my obsession with Christmas songs. But let me stop you there, because that’s only part of the obsession… I actually listen to holiday tunes ALL. YEAR. ROUND.

Yes you read correctly. I listen to Christmas songs 365/6 days a year. Whenever they come up, I turn the volume up and jam along. Christmas makes me happy and forget about the crud I had over the last several months.

I love Christmas not because of how damn good and catchy the songs are, but it’s that time of year where the whole family comes together (leaving Thanksgiving out as I’m not an American), gives presents to one another and shares a bottle or two (of wine that is). It’s also the time of year where I bake the most. I’ll be posting some tasty recipes you can try during the holiday season!

To sum up how next month’s #ClaireNotes will be:

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Past #ClaireNotes 2017:







July / London Special!


