Study Routine

Between late April and late June, many of my friends and students will be doing their exams. Some exams are easy, some require more thinking and preparation leading up to the exam. But do not fret, my dear readers, because the genus of studying (not) is coming to your rescue! Please note that while I’m writing this, I’m actually supposed to study for my own exams… so, yeah. Read more if you’re clueless on studying like I was, and want to learn to make your work easier, more colourful/creative and efficient for you.

Continue reading “Study Routine”

It’s OK to…

  • … doubts but still choose to go after what feels right to you.
  • … give up something other people say is really important that is no longer important to you.
  • … love people who are still trying to learn how to love you the way you should be loved.
  • … refuse to worry about tomorrow.
  • … believe even though you can’t explain why and what it is you believe in.
  • … choose inner peace over proving your point.
  • … to completely reinvent yourself.
  • … be confused and patient.
  • … quit doing something that drains your positive energy.
  • … only see the good in other people.
  • … spend the day dreaming.
  • … take time away from the things you “have to do” in order to have more time to yourself.
  • … look at things from a different perspective.
  • … forgive everyone – even those who don’t deserve it.
  • … admit you need to improve things about yourself.
  • … learn by making wrong turns and mistakes.
  • … change your mind.
  • … treat yourself to indulgences from time to time.
  • … take the day off, the month off or even years off.
  • … explain to people exactly how you feel.
  • … not know the answer.
  • … need and seek help.
  • … start over.
  • … desire “Something More” out of life.
  • … be vulnerable.
  • … go through a tough time.
  • … slow down.
  • … search for your purpose.
  • … embrace uncertainty.
  • … take baby steps.
  • … believe anything is possible.
  • … have to figure out who you really are.

#ClaireNotes – April 2017

April has come to a close, which means we get to see what my month was like! Usually, I jot down three goals with hopes to achieve them, or highlight an event that took place, but this month was uneventful apart from two occasions, so instead of three goals I’ll be listing to.

Read along!

Continue reading “#ClaireNotes – April 2017”

The Skinny on… Stigma

They say to never a judge a book by its cover. And yet, we judge those who look and behave differently from us. By “us” I mean humanity in general. I know many people who don’t judge those different from them.

I am one of them.

Before being clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I was considered a quiet, anti-social outcast with weird tastes in music, books and fashion. I was called weirdo for not interacting with others “normally”. (Disclaimer: I am in NO WAY calling anyone normal. Just generalising…!

What was wrong with this description? The stigma. Since when was being shy associated with being a weirdo? I know shy people who are more “normal” (again, just generalising) than me, and have greater fashion sense than anyone I know. Now I’m not saying all shy people are like this because . . . look at me!

Another myth surrounding depression is that anyone feeling ‘sad’ is said to be depressed. Um, since when?! Everyone gets sad at one point in life, but they are far from depressed in most cases. Imagine this: I was told I was just a ‘sad’ person, then some 11 years later, I was diagnosed. Not all sadness is the same, as much as it isn’t all depression.

If you do think that you have symptoms of depression, please consult your doctor or a psychologist for a proper diagnosis and guidance for recovery.

I can’t believe what I wrote…

It made so much sense in my head, but now, seeing it in writing… I don’t even know what I’m trying to say except to stop stigmatizing mental health.

Yep, that’s the whole point.

Letter to Alice (Anxiety) and Dina (Depression)

Alice, Dina… we need to talk about some things. Well, it has been a while since we’ve last spoken to each other. I hope you two are comfortably sat down because this might be a long one.

Continue reading “Letter to Alice (Anxiety) and Dina (Depression)”

Reasons to love Princess Leia

In a world filled with complacent and passive Disney princesses (and technically, Leia IS a Disney Princess now), it’s refreshing to see a lady royal who is so thoroughly a badass.

So in honor of the realist herself, here’s 7 reasons why Princess Leia is the awesome princess that we should all aspire to be.

Continue reading “Reasons to love Princess Leia”